Raising money for the

Tuesday, 13 March 2012


So as Louise explained what happened in the previous post. I made it to Base Camp and safetly back down again. The unfortunate occurances that happened with Louise having to return home was a nightmare. But she will come back strong and climb that mountain! 
It was one of the most beautiful places I have been in my life! Lucky with the weather in the daytime, the physical strain of trekking was made better by the mountains, yaks and great team supporting each other. Although we could have all pushed one trekker off the mountain (naming no names)!
And bloody hell sometimes it was hard work, but every step worth it.
I haven't had the chance to get my photos onto the computer yet, as I'm still carelessly travelling around Nepal.
 I would like to say a big THANKYOU to those who have donated and supported. Although the target hasn't quite been broken, it's such a fantastic achievement to think how many people we will be helping. 
I have only being emailing Louise, but my parents have been updating me with her recovery. I miss her alot and wish her speedy recovery!! She knows that already but I thought I would make it public. :)

Donations are still accepted!

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Mytton reaches base!

Lucy Mytt has reached base! The second I was seperated from Lucy it was like having my leg stolen. I cried, she cried... it sucked. I'm not with her on the mountain (I wish to god that I was) but she has text me to let me know she has made base! and that its bloody cold! So well done Lucy!!!!! x

More thanks to recent donations from Linda! :) and Richard Standen (some kid Becky knows) We really appreciate the support. AND! Many thanks to everyone that has sent me cards/presents/flowers and super nice messages! I'm almost better (not climbing a mountain better, but I'll get there!) xxxx

 If you have any spare change... you know what to do! http://original.justgiving.com/harman-mytton-everest