Now in Delhi, it's been a long hard month for Louise due to bacteria in infection, but with the help of a doctor, and a casual blood test in our room - freak out! She is now hopefully on the mend.
Fit and fighting for the upcoming trek.
As i mentioned in the previous post, staying fit in India is rather difficult. The pollution is dreadful, so we can't help but cough and splutter in all the smells and dirt!
We take for granted our fresh air, which is one of the reasons for being very healthy.
Here are a few photos so you don't forget us, and don't forget to sponsor us. Being in India makes us realise how important our health is and how fragile the body is if you don't treat it well.
But to put the bad smells, dirt and being run over about 15 times a day aside- we are brilliant!!
P.s Thank you to Bodru for your donation! :)
Love Louise and Lucy
Louise's Birthday!! ^